Tuesday 3 November 2015

The Insanity That Is NaNoWriMo

November is the month of Christmas decorations appearing in shops, moustaches, Thanksgiving (if you live in America/are married to one), bad weather and it's also the month when thousands of people around the world sit down to attempt banging out a novel.  

The name?    NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)
The aim?       To write a 50,000 word novel in just 30 days
The reason?  Insanity

Don't get me wrong.  I'm doing it this year too.  I'll admit insanity quite happily, to quote Disney's Alice In Wonderland;
You're completely bonkers, but I'll tell you a secret.  All the best people are.
I watched last November as my husband not only completed the goal but exceeded it to 80,000 words!  And it was crazy but definitely seemed like something I wanted to attempt as well.  So this year I've gotten stuck into the whole business and so far it seems to be going well (*knock on wood and hope I haven't jinxed myself*).  But trying to figure out where to go and what to write proved far more difficult than I thought it would.

I spent the week leading up to November thinking about one story and then on the day before it started switched to something different.  With the roughest of guidelines in my head (and on a random scrape of paper that I'm guarding for dear life) I've got an idea where I'm going, but day one was worrying to say the least.

Due to commitments outside of NaNo I didn't have time to sit and write until 8 o'clock in the evening.  With just four hours to try and hit my minimum target of 1,667 words for the day I was anxious.  But once I got past that first hurdle known as paragraph one everything seemed to flow, thankfully.  That first paragraph is definitely the most stressful I think, any reader will tell you that if the first page doesn't grab them chances are they won't read the rest of the story.  The less commonly known statistic is that most readers make up their mind about a story within the first few sentences.  How's that for pressure?

But despite all the nerves and confusion NaNoWriMo does something wonderful, it brings people who love to write together in a huge global community and gives support to what is usually a very lonely activity.  I've already met some interesting and fun people through NaNo and it's only day three, can't wait to see what the rest of this month will bring in terms of inspiration, people and experiences.

Fair dues to all my compatriots taking part in NaNoWriMo this year and good luck reaching at elusive goal.  

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