Sunday 21 June 2015


I like stories.  Interesting characters and intertwining plots, dumb decisions that make you roll your eyes and silly shenanigans that make you laugh.  TV, film, books, hell even the Eurovision can give you a story.  In case you don't believe me on the Eurovision front just look at Serbia's or Australia's entry for this years contest.  When watching we came to the decision that Australia's song was just too good for Eurovision, also how is Australia part of Europe?!
Moving on; stories are the basis of life as far as I'm concerned.  Every culture on Earth has myths and legends that are at the core of their culture.  The best way to learn about a different culture is to read or listen to some of their stories.  Watch the films that come out of other countries instead of only ones direct from Hollywood.  Personally I've been enjoying going back and watching some old Jackie Chan martial art movies from Hong Kong, my favourite so far is Legend of The Drunken Master
And it highlights exactly what I mean.  The first time I watched that film I found some things weird, there was particular emphasis put on strange places in the dialogue or action than what you'd seen in western movies.  But it was great because it led to a fascinating conversation with my movie buff husband and my story buff drinking buddy about filming and storytelling for different audiences.
That conversation lasted two days and we still keep popping back to it every once in a while.  Sharing the bits that we found most interesting (for me is was the seriously impressive fight choreography and the great camera work that showcased it) is the best way to find out more.  I learn so much more about things, namely working in film, when those two get going.  It also gives me a nice feeling when I contribute a point that neither of them had thought of which makes me smiles and feel like I know more than I do.
I've been writing a story for a few years now and it's nice to think that I'm learning how to share an interesting plot with others without being repetitive or dull.  Still nervous about sharing it with others though.  It's one thing to share my thoughts here in a semi-anonymous setting but to actively give someone my original story and leave myself open for criticism or ridicule.  It's a very scary thought to me.  I don't have a thick skin (I've tried to develop one but it's a bit of a lost clause) and to have someone pick apart my story that I worked on and put effort into is one of my biggest fears.
No one likes to fail and I've always thought I can tell a good story, so to maybe share it with others who'll take delight in tearing it down is terrifying for me.  But I'm still writing and someday I do want to share it with others because I like to hear what people think, I like the different perspectives that clashing personalities bring to the table and I love hearing someone saying that they liked something I wrote or they thought it was funny/interesting.

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