Sunday 21 June 2015

The Absense Of Cake

So I joined Slimming World a couple of weeks ago with one of my friends.  I'm torn about the whole thing.  On the one hand Yay! I'm losing weight (8 pounds in 2 weeks) but on the other hand less cake.  Okay so the post title is a bit of a lie because I do have some cake, just not to the same extent that I used to.  *sigh* I miss the yummy goodness of cake, being able to grab it from the fridge and not care about where it would end up be it hips, butt or belly.
Diets have always been a complete waste of time for me because my diet is quite limited.  I eat mostly by texture so it first has to feel good to eat then it has to taste good.  The perfect example of this I can give is scallops.  A few years ago I went to dinner with my boyfriend (who's now my husband) and tried one of the scallops he ordered.  The taste was heavenly, a delicious blend of flavours that I can't even begin to describe, but the texture nearly made me throw up in the restaurant!  Nearly being the important word in that sentence people.
I tried Weight Watchers to stay healthy and yeah hopefully look good but it was a struggle.  I'm much preferring the Slimming World approach because halleluia I can eat as much rice as I want!  Me likey my stir fries.
It's weird to have lost as much as I have in such a short amount of time, honestly I don't feel as though I've even lost half that but it's a good feeling to know I'm doing something for myself that will make me feel good about how I look.  And the best part is that I find when I know I can have as much of certain things as I'd like I don't gorge myself on chocolate and cake like I used to.  Sometimes just being told that something is okay and it's alright to fuck up makes you feel like you can achieve your goals.

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