Sunday 21 June 2015

The Two Most Infuriating Words For A Writer

Take a wild guess what I'm talking about.  Any takers?  No?  
 "Just write."  
Yup, that helpful piece of advice that every writer has heard at some point in their life.  It's especially irritating when you're suffering from a dose of writers block and someone turns around to say "Just keep writing"  It makes you want to pull your hair out, even if sometimes it is the only way to get past the block.
So I'm changing it.  
If someone asks me for advice about writing (I'm not an expert but I like to write) I tell them to put the pen down, step away from the computer, get out in the fresh air or take part in a riveting conversation and let your brain take a break from what's blocking you. 
Your subconscious will keep thinking on what you're writing, especially if it's something close to your heart, so let it do it's job.  Give it time, not too much though because then you run the risk of losing momentum on what you're writing.  When you're ready, come back with fresh eyes and mind to where your stuck and go from there.  
Sometimes you can get past the block in your story/review/blogpost/journal if you backtrack a few sentences and let your mind take you on a slightly different path.  Don't be afraid to switch tracks.  Take a breath and run with it, if you've taken a break from writing and when you come back you find what your saying has changed don't fight it.  That's the path your amazing subconscious imagination has figured out to help you past this.  
Run with it.  Embrace it because without these changes there would be no improv in life, nothing new, no amazing works of art or killer music, no sweeping stories or the multitude of quotable movie lines that we have now!
What do I do when I get writers block?
I read fanfiction, play puzzles on-line, kick back with a drink and indulge in a ludicrous conversation that embraces the absurd, hell if I'm visiting my parents at the time I play with the dogs!
So my three words of advice for writers boils down to this "Take a break."

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